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Get the #1 family organizer app

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Get the #1 family organizer app

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Get the #1 family organizer app

Cozi app rating and reviews
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You work hard to plan activities and juggle schedules.

Cozi makes it easy to stay on top of it all.

  • Track everyone’s activities in one shared place.
  • Color codes show who is involved at a glance.
  • Manage school events, the practice schedule, dentist appointments, vacations—whatever you need!
  • Others in the family stay up to date with automatic notifications and agenda emails.
  • Share the grocery list, to-dos, recipes, and more.
  • Available from any mobile device or computer.
  • Named a “must-have app” by the TODAY show!
You’ll wonder how you managed family life before Cozi.

Why families love Cozi